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Finding Inspiration In Everyday Life

Updated: Mar 3, 2018

How to see creatively and get your juices flowing!

Are you wondering how artists get inspired? Or are you an artist going through a dry spell and needing to rejuvenate your senses to create? Well, I hope to be able to help you out by sharing a few things I do to help me see things in a new way.

Pattern treasure hunt #patterns

Patterns, patterns, patterns everywhere! Remember when you were young and did treasure hunts? Well, we are never too old to do that! Go around your house or nieghborhood and look closely at objects or lighting for patterns. Look up, sideways, close and at things you generally overlook.

I find things inspiring everywhere. Even the shower door at the end of my shower—the water droplets on the glass door are amazing! Close up and examined sideways droplets are fun. And lighting often shoot off shadows with great patterns or shapes. The image above struck me because of the horizontal patterns of the steps and the verticals of the gate. As well as the change in light as the stairs go up to an unknown place. Where is it going? What time of day is it? Why is it gated? Make up a story

about it!

Take a new angle!

On a sunny day, I love laying in the grass chin down in the grass because it gives me an ant's-eye perspective. What a new way of seeing things! People probrobly think I am a little off as I walk around looking up. But, I see patterns in ceilings most miss, the glowing edges of the leaves in sunlight and birds flapping wings so elegantly. And how about hanging upside down? Have you done that lately? Besides enjoying the blood rushing to your head, there's joy in discovering new shapes, shadows and views you haven't noticed before.

Sit still.

We are all so busy running around getting things done or looking at our devices we miss the subtile changes in our everyday spaces. Pick a spot in a room. Spend 5 minutes looking. Simply looking. Pay attention to the shadows, the color variations, the shapes. See if you can find similar shapes in different things. Search for all the organic shapes and think about what other things have a similar shape. Pay attention how the light falls and the illusion of dimension.

Play Apples to Apples in a new way.

Do you have the Apples to Apples game that is so fun to play? Being creative is making connections between two unrelated objects. So, take a small handful of Apples to Apples cards and walk around your neighborhood or house. Pick a card and see how many things you can find that relate to that word. Jot down notes on those connections. See where that takes you.

Journal play

Play is the key to creative thoughts and development. Carry a small notebook with you everywhere you go. Draw quick sketches of things that you like. Then, note why you liked it. Another thing we like to do as a family when we go out to dinner is do a telephone game type of drawing. One person draws something and passes it to the next person. They add to it and then pass it to the next person. It is fun to watch what might start as one thing turn into a totally different thing or story!

Now go explore! Get inspired! Share with me what you discover.

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